Saturday, October 4, 2008
It's been a while... again
The first few episodes of the series have started airing. They are getting good reviews(thankfully).
I'm looking over at the shelf beside the TV and notice that I now have three sculptures (well two and a half anyway. the last one isn't done), and I still havent baked the last one. Sigh, heh heh I've still not put up any more photos. When george lucas came to the studio we had a little art show and he saw my sculpture. Cool eh?
I've found out that my cousin danny smith is in a new band. The City Drive. They are doing quite well. I've seen some photos of them with goo goo dolls, and aerosmith. Dang Danny made good! I'm proud of him.
Monday, August 11, 2008
long term goals
Right now I'm working on sculpting, scripting, and managing other people.
That's a lot. Plus I'm playing a lot of wow and trying to be a good father/husband.
Wed is my 14th anniversary. It's exciting but makes me feel old too. Ha!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I've found an old friends blog...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Me and George
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Did I mention on this thatI have become the lighting and compositing supervisor for lucasfilm animation singapore?
Of course not!
I just got it! Yay me!
Check out the above link for the latest on the up comming clone wars film. I didn't work on the film, but I have worked on the tv series. It is quite a good tv show. I hope everyone will like it.
it will be interesting to see what people think of the film. I think the TV show actually looks better, but I might be biased.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
More sculpture pics.
Friday, July 18, 2008
more sculpture
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Some cool clone wars news.
sci fi netowrk
L.A. Times
The Live Feed
Premium Hollywood
Desert News,5322,5000018,00.html?bD=20080711
Sculpture class
This is my first movie attempt here. It was a tribal show at the night safari. I hope it works.It was a very impressive show.
I've not done any drawings yet, but I keep carrying a sketch book and pencil around.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Time for a bit of an Update.
We have bought two new digital cameras as our last two have died (we are not so lucky with digital cameras). I will post some pictures tonight when I get home.
Jen is doing a great job on my website and I will release it to the public very soon.
Work is work, and I am treating it as such. I'm trying to give it the attention it deserves (which isn't very much ;) ) and get on with the rest of my life.
I have signed up for a maquette sculpture class for two nights a week (wed and fridays) and will post up some pictures of whatever I make here. I have also gotten a new sketch book and god willing I will fill it up and also post some here.
It is a new phase for me, and I am going to hit it hard.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
the quiet is all consuming.
I have taken a week off of work to help with the grief with jen and melanie and emma. All of life seems on hold right now, even if it isn't. Fortunatly we have signed our lease for another year (increased of course), and now it is the schooling situation to wade through.
We planned a small vacation back to bintan to help us relax, but it blew up in m y face a bit. Emma's passport is 5 months and 17 days away from expiring. To get into Indonisia, your pass port must be 6 months or more from expiring. So... we could not go. To postpone our trip will cost us about $200. Sigh. Such is life I guess. In the mean time I've been running around trying to get her passport renewed on time and could not.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Jen is home.
Yes we really found the two of them sleeping like this. I have no idea what was going on to have caused this pose.
This is mel and emma waiting for the first taxi to the airport.
My dad above.
Emma below.
And Scrapper.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
It would seem that my last two posts had been saved as drafts and not posted. I've put them both up now. (see bellow)
Work is work. I'm getting a bit frustrated at times. We seem to have a high turn over. GWL liked what I had done, but he did have some requested revisions. Nothing too out of the ordinary. We are in the last two weeks of revisions. I've learned a fair amount working on this one. It is very difficult balancing life, interviewing and training new people, doing my own shots, and approveing the teams, as well as managing the day to day business stuff.
Saturday, March 1, 2008

I bought a new camera as both of our old ones have been broken. I bought a samsung L100. It's a little family model that has some nifty face recognition features and stabilization. Emma should be a pro with it in about two days. I might take a week. Here are some of the first photos we have taken with it. i will get some with melanie and lily soon too, and then wehn jen gets back I'll post some more of her and me. :D

My website redesign has been going well. I have a layout and colour scheme picked, and a map of what each button will do. I'm looking forward to watching jen build it.
Hey mom! If you click on the photos they should open up bigger. I can send you high res ones too if you want to print them off. Just let me know. I am so happy to have a camera again.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wow it's febuary.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Future plans

The image beside this will be on my about page. I was going to cut out my girls, but then I was missing arms and frankly didn't want to have to rebuild them. The picture was already a composite.
Once my site is up, and I'm slightly happier with it, I am going to try some outside development. As tough as this sounds with my family situation going, and being a "single" dad for a bit, I have decided to help my crew develop their portfolios. Many of them have expressed a desire to improve their vfx type portfolios. I, by no means have a rock solid vfx portfolio. But I want to help these folks, and figure I will learn from it too. I will need to run it past my work to make sure it does not conflict with any legal obligation or ownership. We are not going to sell anything, just learn from it and enhance our experience.
It will be interesting to see who wants in. More so to see who actually contributes what. Time for some to step up I think.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pretty cool eh? Nothing shown here (except for one or two scenes) was done at the studio I'm at. But is can show you roughly where it's going. Personally, I like our episodes better, but I might be biased.
I'm re-working my professional web site. I've always hated the one I had, but never really had the time to make it better. Jen made it very functional, but I want a bit more flare.
If you have any good reference sites please pass them on.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Life goes on...
Melanie is growing up quick. I'm gonna post some pictures of her all dolled up for her first dance. I can't believe she is only 11. I seem to have lost my post picture option button. I'll post this and see if I can't get it back. I've got a great pic of mel in her dress before she left for her own adventure.
Heh heh. Clearly this is not melanie in her dress for her first dance. But it is a picture. It's a cute one of emma in her school uniform on her first day of school. I lvoe them both. The picture I wanted and mentioned earlier must be on the other computer. That coment would have been so decadent 5 years ago, but now it just seems regular!
PS the spell check doesn't seem to be working today. maybe because I'm on the wireless... anyway sorry for the typos. I hope you understood everything anyway. ;)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Might be time to change my blog title.
One of the things that I realized while my parents were here was that I was comfortable here. I don't miss Canada anymore. I've come to accept my life here and it now feels like... dare I say... Home. I know my mother will be very upset to hear that. (sorry mom) It became quite clear to me that this was no longer a "vacation spot", but my life. I don't know what that means in the long term, only that when I do move back it will be a starting over again, probably just as difficult as moving here.
Work has changed a lot in the last 6 weeks. We have had a great visit with the "circus" from San Fransisco. I enjoyed it a lot. I got to spend a lot of time with Dave Filloni, the supervising director of clone wars. He had lots of great stories to tell. He is one of those people who can tell almost any storey and make it interesting. He also managed (and I didn't think it was possible) to restore my love of star wars! After one visit I was practically glowing I was so enthusiastic about being a part of this.
Our CG supe Matt Gidney has left clone wars for bigger and brighter things in Australia. I wish him luck and hope his new endeavour will satisfy him. It does leave some managerial holes here though. I am hoping Ben and I will be able to maintain what is needed to get the season done and then perhaps, he can be replaced more smoothly for second season. I think that will be difficult to do on the fly during production because the role is relatively undefined, and to define it would be to adjust every ones job. Something that would require great fortitude, and endurance to make happen. Colum Slevin, the man that hired me, has also moved on. He will be missed though he never really fit in Singapore as family issues held him back State side for some time. He was replaced by Xavier Nicols, who was them promoted to replace Chris K. (sorry Chris I'm not gonna even guess how to spell your name. I can't even pronounce it!) as head of studio. He seems very intelligent, and I'm looking forward to his leadership. He seems quite natural at it. Athena has gone back to San Fran and was replaced by Tim Smith. He is a good friend from my CORE days on the wild. I"m glad to be working with him again. It sounds like there has been a lot of change here, and that is true but most of it was well planned for in advance. The studio has been in production for two years here, and peoples contracts and promises are now up. Most people will only commit for two years at a time, so this transition is natural.
The episode I've been working on is looking amazing. We had created a shot of the week award, and it is becoming very difficult to award because so many shots look so good! We are behind as usual but I expect we will pull through by the end. We always do. ;)