Thursday, July 31, 2008

Me and George

I met George Lucas yesterday. He said I'm doing a great job, and he loves my work. I was so star struck and dumbfounded. Truly an amazing day.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Did I mention on this thatI have become the lighting and compositing supervisor for lucasfilm animation singapore?


Of course not!

I just got it! Yay me!

Check out the above link for the latest on the up comming clone wars film. I didn't work on the film, but I have worked on the tv series. It is quite a good tv show. I hope everyone will like it.
it will be interesting to see what people think of the film. I think the TV show actually looks better, but I might be biased.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More sculpture pics.

ok these are not the greatest pics in the world. our dining room is very yellow and our lighting does not lend well to photography. I've spent a lot of time on the back shorts waistline (which will eventually be detailed all the way around), and the front right boot. I'll put up more detailed photos soon.

Friday, July 18, 2008

more sculpture

I skipped last nights calss to say good bye to a good friend who is leaving. Here are some pictures of where i'm at.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some cool clone wars news.

I'm very proud of these. This is the first episode I was a leading that was viewed. Yoda doing his jedi thing. ;) very cool stuff.

sci fi netowrk

L.A. Times

The Live Feed

Premium Hollywood

Desert News,5322,5000018,00.html?bD=20080711

Sculpture class

Sculpture class is going well. Here are some pics from last week. I'll take more tomorrow before and maybe after class. It's turning out really well though these pics don't really show it. tomorrows will be better.

We met up with the canada club of singapore for canada day (july 1). We brought a cake. Melanie and Jen made it in the afternoon.

This is my first movie attempt here. It was a tribal show at the night safari. I hope it works.It was a very impressive show.

I've not done any drawings yet, but I keep carrying a sketch book and pencil around.