Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Roach Encounter...

OMG the roaches here are really really big. I was walking late one night and noticed a brown cell phone sized rock lying in the middle of the sidewalk. I thought, "that's odd", and took a step closer. To my surprise, it moved. It spun around to face me with an evil glint in it's beady eyes. I swore as I realized what it was, and then retreated quickly to a safe distance, thankful to not have been eaten, and hoping that my swearing didn't sound like a little girls cry. The experience left me startled, and unsettled. Can I really live with these beasts? Can my family? Yikes I hope so. Later that night while trying to sleep, I would cringed and jump every time a small breeze would tickle an arm hair. Was it the roach coming back to finish the job? I could imagine it's long antenna poking my arm and getting ready to bite. I ended up leaving a light on to make sure I could see any predators before they got too close.

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