I've been very careful on this blog to not talk about work, and the decision to write this post took a bit of consideration. I'm proud of the work we are doing. It is a good team that has been put together.
They have finally released a trailer for the clone wars TV show that I am working on. I have to admit it was made from episodes that were done before I got there. Believe it or not it looks way better now.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Moving time
After a series of unfortunate events I have come back to Canada a month and a bit early. I may explain on a later post, but for now lets just say I hate moving. Things have been very crazy. I wanted to take a second from packing (mostly because I hate packing) and put out a big thank you to a few people in particular. Thank you Randy, Eddie, Jen and Jason, Sarah and Adam, my parents, and my in laws. It is great to know that in a time of need you are there for us. You have re affirmed my faith in humanity.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
This post is dedicated to my mother.
I love you and I miss you. It is very strange not being able to give you a hug on mothers day. I really appreciate the love and support you have given me over the years.

"God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me. "
~By Pat O'Reilly~
I love you and I miss you. It is very strange not being able to give you a hug on mothers day. I really appreciate the love and support you have given me over the years.

"God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me. "
~By Pat O'Reilly~
I'm feeling better now.
Things are better today. My self pity is passing. Yesterday I met up with two people from work and we went for a little walk around Bugis (a district in Singapore) to look at toy stores. I wished I had brought my camera, but I doubt I could have taken many pictures. The toys were mostly anime stuff, but it was still neat to see. I really appreciated the tour if Siau Yene or Sonny ever read this. Thanks!
Today I am going to go and buy a headphone extender for Alice (I don't think work will buy her one and I figure I can spare the $3 to help her out), and some new cable wires for the TV here. They have some weird blue putty holding together the cable wire and its ruining our reception, so I'm going to rip it out and replace it.
I slept in for the first time this morning. Right up until noon. It was glorious. It feels like I haven't done that in ages. Of course it helped that I stayed up until two am playing world of Warcraft. I started playing the day Jen went back to Whitby, with the idea that I would "kill" time with it until she gets back. It's helped, but boy does it kill time!!
Today I am going to go and buy a headphone extender for Alice (I don't think work will buy her one and I figure I can spare the $3 to help her out), and some new cable wires for the TV here. They have some weird blue putty holding together the cable wire and its ruining our reception, so I'm going to rip it out and replace it.
I slept in for the first time this morning. Right up until noon. It was glorious. It feels like I haven't done that in ages. Of course it helped that I stayed up until two am playing world of Warcraft. I started playing the day Jen went back to Whitby, with the idea that I would "kill" time with it until she gets back. It's helped, but boy does it kill time!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Self Pitty. This is more for me than you. I just need to vent.
Well today was harder than most days. There were some technical issues at work that I couldn't solve, and that just seemed to take me right out of my comfort zone. Dinner was a disaster. I was cooking some brats sausages in the oven and they burned badly, so I took them out of the oven and I put them in the sink to cool and turned on the water. Well I had been cooking them in a glass casserole dish, and of course, when I put water in to cool it down it shattered. Bleh. I'm tired, cranky, and feel like I want to come home. I guess it's being homesick. I knew this would happen, and I know all I can do is ride it out and wait for it to pass. Hopefully it will pass quickly. Some of the other expats say they go through it every 3-4 months. They tell me it will get easier. I hope so. Somehow it seems saying "it will get easier" seems a bit of a cop out. I miss Jen and the girls. I miss my folks. I miss my friends. I miss Canada. I miss being wearing a jacket. I miss socks and shoes. I miss the go train. Well I don't really miss the go train. I miss the friends I had on the go train. I miss the movie network. I miss my TV. I miss my house and my car. My beautiful beautiful car. I miss incandescent lighting. Everything here is cfc energy efficient.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
A few good things happened today. One: I bought a web cam And managed to hook it up with skype and msn!
Two I went grocery shopping by myself and did not freak out. (the first time I went I ended up only buying pb and j because everything else was too scary) I cooked my own dinner, and it was not grilled cheese. ;) that was yesterdays lunch. This was rice (with soya sauce) chicken pau (chicken in a bun), with sugar snap peas and some funky Chinese green leafy thing, AND I managed to hook up the computer to the TV so I can watch 300 everything I have downloaded on the TV. Plus it means that even if the DVD player here will not play our dvd's from home (ahem Whitby) we will be able to play them off the computer! Yay me!

I was going to colour correct these imagesw but... it's only my dinner.
I talked to an old friend from my Elliott days Aaron Fritz today. He is doing well and still at the same job he went to after Elliott. That's almost 4 years ago. Good for you Aaron! I talked with Marnie today too. She reminded me to email some of my old friends back home so as soon as I'm done this post that is what I am going to do. If you hear from me in the next few days you should thank her. ;)
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