A few good things happened today. One: I bought a web cam And managed to hook it up with skype and msn!

Two I went grocery shopping by myself and did not freak out. (the first time I went I ended up only buying pb and j because everything else was too scary) I cooked my own dinner, and it was not grilled cheese. ;) that was yesterdays lunch. This was rice (with soya sauce) chicken pau (chicken in a bun), with sugar snap peas and some funky Chinese green leafy thing, AND I managed to hook up the computer to the TV so I can watch 300 everything I have downloaded on the TV. Plus it means that even if the DVD player here will not play our dvd's from home (ahem Whitby) we will be able to play them off the computer! Yay me!

I was going to colour correct these imagesw but... it's only my dinner.
I talked to an old friend from my Elliott days Aaron Fritz today. He is doing well and still at the same job he went to after Elliott. That's almost 4 years ago. Good for you Aaron! I talked with Marnie today too. She reminded me to email some of my old friends back home so as soon as I'm done this post that is what I am going to do. If you hear from me in the next few days you should thank her. ;)
1 comment:
that meal looks kinda yummy.
i'd eat that if you made it for me.
so you speak about how scary the grocery store is(was). can you take a picture of an aisle or two the next time you go? :) i'm curious.
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