Thursday, November 22, 2007

heh heh

My first post from work I think! I feel like I'm being very naughty. Thank you for the kind words about my last post. It means a lot to me to think people still read this. :D

I'm heading up my first episode from the start this week. For the past few epsiodes I've remained behind to do clean up work, and only watched the prepro happen from a far. For this one I'm in the thick of it from the get go. I hope it will be good. I awnt to do a really good job of getting things ready without doing too good a job because I don't want the other guy to look bad, or create a competition. I'm just eager to try my hand at it.

ok back to work.

1 comment:

Ket said...

Go for it Ryan! It makes such a difference when you set it up the way you want it set up. Frustrating if they don't follow it though. Only 25 days until we arrive.