Thursday, November 22, 2007
heh heh
I'm heading up my first episode from the start this week. For the past few epsiodes I've remained behind to do clean up work, and only watched the prepro happen from a far. For this one I'm in the thick of it from the get go. I hope it will be good. I awnt to do a really good job of getting things ready without doing too good a job because I don't want the other guy to look bad, or create a competition. I'm just eager to try my hand at it.
ok back to work.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Mid Nov
This isn't her happiest expresion, but I like it anyway.
Sorry everyone it's been a while again. Lots have happened in the last three weeks. Singapore is in it's rainy season... or a rainy season... I have no idea how many they have. So it seems that it rains for at least two hours every day, instead of the usual 20 min. It's still hot.
I bike to work every day here. It takes me about 10 min. 15 if I count the time to lock and unlock my bike. It has been really good. Though I did have on e accident a few weeks ago and I think I broke something in my hand. My left hand fortunately. I had thought it was just bruised or sprained so I've not seen a dr about it but it still hurts and I only have about 15% of my strength in it. It's not really so bad. It just makes me a bit crankier than usual.
I've had my birthday. I am now 33. Very old by industry standards. It's been a hard birthday. I realized it's my first birthday outside of Canada. That shouldn't make any difference but it did. I believe I am deep in the miserable stage of culture shock. I'm also heading into a mid life crisis and begin to wonder what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life. This isn't exactly what I want for the next 30 years. And I don't relish the idea of moving into management anywhere. My opinions of management these days are pretty low, and frankly speaking I want better. Lots to think about.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
HAPPY BDAY JEN!! 21 again!
I've wanted to post more pictures on this blog, and it would seem today is the day!
Here are some pictures from canada that were taken while jen was there for her mom.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Good news!
PS My WOW character is named tigaratus. He's a lvl 34 human alliance warrior. I'm kicking butt.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
mmm Timmies

Jen came back with stories of Swiss Chalet, and the keg. I pushed them to make sure they had lots of beef while back in Canada. I think (once they loose the weight they gained) they will thank me. I was very jealous. I tired to come back with photos of my bee hoon, or nasi lemak, but it just felt silly.
Jen brought back an article from the Toronto star about Starz animation opening a studio in Toronto. I thought, hmm I wonder where I worked before lucasfilm then? The article talked to the head of studio David Rubinstein in depth about the future of Starz. rubenstien ... Rubenstein... that's not right. I could have sworn his name was David Steinberg. So I opened up my email contacts and I was right! The entire article mentioning his name several time, was completely wrong. This isn't a typo, it's a completely wrong name!! All very funny in my opinion. Poor David.
How come no one else has sent me timmies pictures?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I barely felt it, but I did feel it.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Jennielynns mom is sick.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
my mishap and the science center
This is Emma in the under water area. She said she was having a puppet show. Lots of fun.
Friday, August 17, 2007
The trip!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
geography lesson
sorry for my goof. maybe we will go to Malaysia soon. though I still want to see the great wall in china...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
those danged monkies

National day is approching
I believe I have mentioned before that Emma loves taking photos. She is pretty good at it too fro being 3. If she takes 1500 photos (so about a weeks worth) she will get 2-3 good photos. Well last week she decided, after filling up a memory card, that she didn't need the card any more and threw it away. It was very funny when Jen picked up the camera to take a cute pic of our new cats, and noticed there was no memory card. Emma non shalantly announced she had thrown it away because it didn't work anymore. Three year old logic. It's infallible sometimes!!
We will try to take lots of pictures with our old Sony.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Familial changes.
Monkey business
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Little India
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
a quick note...
three months

At the entrance to the zoo there were 5 or 6 big bronze statues of some animals and we got a few good pictures here.

This was a cool spot with 5 huge parrots. For a small donation ($5 sing) Mel was able to hold one. Remember she's more than 5 feet tall now. She said the bird was very light.

The feeding of the polar bear wasn't very exciting (though you would never have guessed that based on the crowd it drew). I guess maybe it was more exciting for Singaporeans who have never seen a polar bear before. It did have an air conditioned den, but seemed to prefer being out in the 35degree weather. There were some interesting facts posted here. Things like the fact that polar bears live in a climate that reaches 35 degrees . It neglects to mention that it only hits 35 degrees once a year.

This is just a reminder of home. Or the home that once was. I miss it, but it's not mine any more.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
so much change... but back to star wars!!
They have finally released a trailer for the clone wars TV show that I am working on. I have to admit it was made from episodes that were done before I got there. Believe it or not it looks way better now.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Moving time
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I love you and I miss you. It is very strange not being able to give you a hug on mothers day. I really appreciate the love and support you have given me over the years.

"God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me. "
~By Pat O'Reilly~
I'm feeling better now.
Today I am going to go and buy a headphone extender for Alice (I don't think work will buy her one and I figure I can spare the $3 to help her out), and some new cable wires for the TV here. They have some weird blue putty holding together the cable wire and its ruining our reception, so I'm going to rip it out and replace it.
I slept in for the first time this morning. Right up until noon. It was glorious. It feels like I haven't done that in ages. Of course it helped that I stayed up until two am playing world of Warcraft. I started playing the day Jen went back to Whitby, with the idea that I would "kill" time with it until she gets back. It's helped, but boy does it kill time!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Self Pitty. This is more for me than you. I just need to vent.
Sunday, May 6, 2007

I was going to colour correct these imagesw but... it's only my dinner.
I talked to an old friend from my Elliott days Aaron Fritz today. He is doing well and still at the same job he went to after Elliott. That's almost 4 years ago. Good for you Aaron! I talked with Marnie today too. She reminded me to email some of my old friends back home so as soon as I'm done this post that is what I am going to do. If you hear from me in the next few days you should thank her. ;)
Monday, April 30, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
SkyCable Dinning

I have to admit I feel kind of conceited putting up pictures of myself, so I will balance it out with a nice picture of my eight inch friend here. This is easily the biggest spider that I have ever seen, and I hope to never see it again. If I stretch my fingers out as far as they can go it will still not be as big as this spider. It was sitting in a giant 5 foot web beside the restaurant at Mt Faber. I was about 4 meters from it in this picture. There was no way I was getting any closer, and I didn't stick around long enough to zoom in.

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Jen and I on the MRT
Our Apt and a cool BBQ