Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm feeling better now.

Things are better today. My self pity is passing. Yesterday I met up with two people from work and we went for a little walk around Bugis (a district in Singapore) to look at toy stores. I wished I had brought my camera, but I doubt I could have taken many pictures. The toys were mostly anime stuff, but it was still neat to see. I really appreciated the tour if Siau Yene or Sonny ever read this. Thanks!

Today I am going to go and buy a headphone extender for Alice (I don't think work will buy her one and I figure I can spare the $3 to help her out), and some new cable wires for the TV here. They have some weird blue putty holding together the cable wire and its ruining our reception, so I'm going to rip it out and replace it.

I slept in for the first time this morning. Right up until noon. It was glorious. It feels like I haven't done that in ages. Of course it helped that I stayed up until two am playing world of Warcraft. I started playing the day Jen went back to Whitby, with the idea that I would "kill" time with it until she gets back. It's helped, but boy does it kill time!!

1 comment:

Jon Parkins said...

Dude! Your on the warcrack? What server? Guess it's not a US server either....