Thursday, March 1, 2007

Snow, trains and ice

There was a train wreck today that messed up my commute home from work. I left as soon as I found out, and it took more than 2 hours to get home. The trains only took me half way and then Jen picked me up in Pickering. Andrew and Alexis were with me so we drove them to Whitby. We got some pictures of the wreck as we drove past it.


Jon Parkins said...

I'd have fired you on the spot when you gave your notice :D "YOU CAN'T QUIT YOUR FIRED!"

Hey then you'd get some severance, see I'm a caring and understanding boss. Looking out for those who's shoulders I crush in my rise to greatness!

Ryan said...

HAHAHAHA you are the best boss ever!!

Unknown said...

i'll miss you...